Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Weekend of Celebration

This weekend, we went to Massachusetts to join Mary and Bob (Isaac's great aunt and uncle) as they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Martha, Rob, and their families planned a great party that was enjoyed by all who came from near and far. What a happy reason to get together with friends and family!

Here is the crowd gathered as Mary and Bob renewed their wedding vows.

Great fall floral arrangements made by Tracie

Janet (Isaac's Nan) and Bob check out old pictures in the scrapbook.
Our beautiful god-daughter, and Isaac's cousin, Kate.
Gregory and Kate enjoying the sunshine

Josh and Isaac having a snack

Jack, on the move!

Two Kates: Henry and Creamer

Fun with cousins (we love how Kate is peeking over at Isaac in this one)

Jack, Isaac, and Claire meet and discuss the day's events

We've never seen Isaac hug another child before, but he and Claire hugged about 30 times this weekend! They grinned and laughed every time, and sometimes toppled to the floor.
Big smiles from Jack

Gregory and Isaac having a laugh together
Greg, Jack, and Elizabeth

Josh, having a break from the party on the kids' ATV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love your pictures, maybe ill steal some and use them as display pictures on facebook :)